God wants to bless us. He desires to release the miraculous in our lives right now but it takes faith to pray and believe Him for the results we desire. Our heavenly Father loves us, He takes pleasure in prospering us and He has promised to not withhold any good thing from us. God is on an assignment. He’s seeking out someone that he can bless to fulfill the promises He made in His word (The Holy Bible). “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of [them] whose heart [is] perfect toward him,” 2Ch16:9.
As a young Christian, I was very excited about my new relationship with Christ. I remember praying and it seemed like whatever I prayed for I receive instant results. It was so amazing how God showed up on my behalf. If I prayed for food, the food miraculously showed up. When I prayed for finances the money came through the door. When I prayed for favor He granted me favor. When I prayed for deliverance the bad habits were broken off of my life. God showed up with no limits in His ability to be the great: I Am, That I Am.
God was proving Himself to be the all sufficient God that He is, even in my health. Before saying the sinners prayer and accepting Christ in my life (with a determination to live for Him for real this time), I had discover a lump on my breast that terrified me. I went to the Alter for prayer and the after prayer the Pastor told me to believe God for my healing. He also told me to not go by my 5 senses but to trust in God. I left the Alter that day hoping, trusting and believing God for my healing. When I got home, I did a self-examination and the lump was still there. The Holy Spirit immediately reminded me of my instructions from the Pastor, “Do not go by your 5 senses.” I was also encouraged to speak life by calling those things that be not as though they were. So after the examination I opened my mouth and told the lump that Jesus was wounded for my transgression, He was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him and by His stripes I am healed. After repeating the process throughout the week, I called and made a doctor’s appointment. Before leaving the house for my doctor’s appointment I did a self-examination and the lump was still there but because of my continued growth in Christ, I learned how to walk by faith and not by sight. So I continued to confess the Word of God over my body and to (by faith) call my body healed in Jesus Name. While waiting in the examining room for the doctor, I did another self-examination and the lump was still there but I kept saying and believing what the Word said about me, “By His Stripes I am Healed.” I held fast to God’s promises to heal me and I refused to let go. After the doctor’s examination, she looked at me and asked, “What lump?” I did the examination after her and the lump that was there was completely gone. To God be the Glory!
God has given everyone a measure of faith. It’s up to us to invest in the time to learn how to work what He has freely given us. Hebrews tells us, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Heb. 11:1).” Our faith in God is simply trusting and believing in Him without reservations. Someone wrote in a song about God that said, “I’ll take him at His word, I’ll trust and never doubt, I’ll stand upon His promises and in the time of trouble he will bring me out. Lord I believe…”
For the believer faith is what’s necessary to get God to move on our behalf and to answer our prayers. It’s like the glue and screws needed to keep the top of the chair we sit in (without inhabitations of whether or not it can uphold the added pressure of our weight) connected to the bottom of the chair.
We need faith to obtain the blessings of God. We also need faith to receive our healings, deliverances, spiritual gifts, promotions and anything else from God.
Faith is the key element to pleasing our Heavenly Father. Without faith it’s impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). I’ve been born again since 1981 and through my years of serving and following Him, I can testify that it takes faith in Him and not in our own ability to run this Christian race.
I remember hearing the phrase, “You have to work your faith,” but they forgot to tell me how to work it. Now this is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me on the topic:
How to work your faith and get results:
Be encouraged because God loves you and He wants to bless you. I’m a living witness that having faith in God works. It’s been over 30 years and the lump never returned. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus.
I pray God’s blessings, peace and healing for you today and I rebuke any hindrances from blocking your prayer results in Jesus Name. Amen
We would like to here your commits and testimonies of how your faith in God manifested your results. www.cherylforrestministries.com
As a young Christian, I was very excited about my new relationship with Christ. I remember praying and it seemed like whatever I prayed for I receive instant results. It was so amazing how God showed up on my behalf. If I prayed for food, the food miraculously showed up. When I prayed for finances the money came through the door. When I prayed for favor He granted me favor. When I prayed for deliverance the bad habits were broken off of my life. God showed up with no limits in His ability to be the great: I Am, That I Am.
God was proving Himself to be the all sufficient God that He is, even in my health. Before saying the sinners prayer and accepting Christ in my life (with a determination to live for Him for real this time), I had discover a lump on my breast that terrified me. I went to the Alter for prayer and the after prayer the Pastor told me to believe God for my healing. He also told me to not go by my 5 senses but to trust in God. I left the Alter that day hoping, trusting and believing God for my healing. When I got home, I did a self-examination and the lump was still there. The Holy Spirit immediately reminded me of my instructions from the Pastor, “Do not go by your 5 senses.” I was also encouraged to speak life by calling those things that be not as though they were. So after the examination I opened my mouth and told the lump that Jesus was wounded for my transgression, He was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him and by His stripes I am healed. After repeating the process throughout the week, I called and made a doctor’s appointment. Before leaving the house for my doctor’s appointment I did a self-examination and the lump was still there but because of my continued growth in Christ, I learned how to walk by faith and not by sight. So I continued to confess the Word of God over my body and to (by faith) call my body healed in Jesus Name. While waiting in the examining room for the doctor, I did another self-examination and the lump was still there but I kept saying and believing what the Word said about me, “By His Stripes I am Healed.” I held fast to God’s promises to heal me and I refused to let go. After the doctor’s examination, she looked at me and asked, “What lump?” I did the examination after her and the lump that was there was completely gone. To God be the Glory!
God has given everyone a measure of faith. It’s up to us to invest in the time to learn how to work what He has freely given us. Hebrews tells us, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Heb. 11:1).” Our faith in God is simply trusting and believing in Him without reservations. Someone wrote in a song about God that said, “I’ll take him at His word, I’ll trust and never doubt, I’ll stand upon His promises and in the time of trouble he will bring me out. Lord I believe…”
For the believer faith is what’s necessary to get God to move on our behalf and to answer our prayers. It’s like the glue and screws needed to keep the top of the chair we sit in (without inhabitations of whether or not it can uphold the added pressure of our weight) connected to the bottom of the chair.
We need faith to obtain the blessings of God. We also need faith to receive our healings, deliverances, spiritual gifts, promotions and anything else from God.
Faith is the key element to pleasing our Heavenly Father. Without faith it’s impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). I’ve been born again since 1981 and through my years of serving and following Him, I can testify that it takes faith in Him and not in our own ability to run this Christian race.
I remember hearing the phrase, “You have to work your faith,” but they forgot to tell me how to work it. Now this is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me on the topic:
How to work your faith and get results:
- Have faith in God - Choose to believe only and not doubt God’s ability to answer your prayers.
- Feed your faith - Faith comes and grows by repeatedly hearing and feasting off of the Word of God.
- Expectancy - Faith without works is dead so gird up your faith and expect God to move on your behalf.
- Death and life is in the power of the tongue - So speak life and positive about receiving your results. Train yourself to say what the Word of God says about it. Be careful to say what you want instead of saying what you have or what you see in the natural.
- Rebuke the enemy - Verbally cast down every imagination or thought in your mind that’s opposite of faith. Also bind and rebuke suggestions to walk in unforgiveness. Let it go because unforgiveness hurts the one that’s holding it. Choose instead to forgive and walk in love with God’s help.
- Stand in faith - Stand still and just like when the Israelites needed a miracle to cross the Red Sea to escape their enemies and to reach the promise land. Remember God is not a respecter of person. He worked a miracle for them and He will do the same for you.
- Stay Connected - Repentance is an essential part of a Believers prayer life. Make sure sin, doubt and unbelief are repented of and not a hindrance to getting your desired results. Doubt and unbelief acts as a repellent to answered prayer. Double mindedness will keep a person out of the promise land because a doubleminded man hinders his own ability to receive anything from God according to the Word. Don’t let pride stand in the way of you being blessed. Repent and get it right with God.
Be encouraged because God loves you and He wants to bless you. I’m a living witness that having faith in God works. It’s been over 30 years and the lump never returned. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus.
I pray God’s blessings, peace and healing for you today and I rebuke any hindrances from blocking your prayer results in Jesus Name. Amen
We would like to here your commits and testimonies of how your faith in God manifested your results. www.cherylforrestministries.com