Whose Report Will You Believe? By Cheryl D. Forrest
After the birth of my forth son, I went to the doctor’s office for my six week checkup. The doctor came in the room where I was sitting on the table after my exam. He sat down in front of me and looked me in the eyes and said, “Mrs. Forrest we see the beginning signs of cancer.” As he continued to talk to me I heard another voice speaking at the same time. It was the Holy Spirit. He told me, “You can believe the doctors report concerning your health, or you can believe the word of God.” He said, “The doctors report is factual, it’s based on medical facts, but my word, the Word of God is based on truth and the word says by His stripes (the stripes Jesus bore on his body for us) you are healed.” He told me, “If I believed the doctor’s report I would have to take chemotherapy, would lose my hair and could die”. Next he said, “If you believe my word, I will give you life and that more abundantly and I’ll bless you on top of that.” Then he asked me a question, “Whose report will you believe?”
At the end of the conversation I chose to believe the report of the Lord, which is found in the word of God. The truth is God is not a man, that He should lie, nor the son of man, that he should repent. Has He said, and will he not make it good? Num. 23:19
When I left the doctor’s office, The Holy Spirit began to give me instructions; His instructions were specific and to the point. The first thing he said was, “Do not tell people you have cancer. If you have to say anything at all, tell them the doctor said he saw cancer but you don’t receive it.” Then he said, “Do not share this with everybody, just those of faith that can agree in prayer with you.” Last he said, “Find healing scriptures in the bible and read them out loud every day and believe God for the manifestation.”
I went home amazed at what just happened. I had an encounter with the Spirit of God right there in the doctor’s office. I was sitting there facing the doctor, he was talking to me and The Holy Spirit was talking to me at the exact same time.
I remembered how God healed me at age 17 from cancer, and he later healed me from the lump on my breast. So I followed his instructions without reservation. I didn’t receive the doctor’s report.
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Prov. 23:7
If asked about it, my response was, “The doctor said... but I don’t receive it. I believe by Jesus stripes I am healed.” I went home opened my bible and wrote down every healing scripture I could find. Each day I read aloud the healing scriptures. So then faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the word of God. It’s even more powerful when you hear yourself saying it. It will strengthen you and cause your faith to grow.
The more I spoke the scriptures out of my mouth; the word of God began to get into my spirit. I went from just reading them to believing them and my body, cells, organs, emotions and my blood began to come into alignment with the word of God that was spoken over it every day.
My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22 NKJV
Proverbs also tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue, it’s imperative when you need a miracle, to watch what you say. Faith filled positive words bring about positive results; doubt filled words bring about death and destruction. You can change your situation around, simply by changing your conversation and speaking words of faith out of your mouth.
Start saying, “I shall live and not die in Jesus Name,” and Purpose in your heart that you are going to trust and have faith in God. Began to speak the word of God over your body daily and tell yourself I am healed in Jesus name. Now stretch your faith and expect to be healed.
God has given us the keys to the kingdom, power and authority as sons of God to bind up sickness and loose healing to flow in our bodies.
Matthews 18:18 says, “Whatever I bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Whatever we disallow on earth shall be disallowed in heaven and whatever we allow on earth shall be allowed in heaven.”
Whose Report Will You Believe is an excerpt from my book, By His Stripes We Are Healed - How to Receive and Keep Your healing from cancer, pain, sickness and disease.
You can read more by ordering your E-Book today:
After the birth of my forth son, I went to the doctor’s office for my six week checkup. The doctor came in the room where I was sitting on the table after my exam. He sat down in front of me and looked me in the eyes and said, “Mrs. Forrest we see the beginning signs of cancer.” As he continued to talk to me I heard another voice speaking at the same time. It was the Holy Spirit. He told me, “You can believe the doctors report concerning your health, or you can believe the word of God.” He said, “The doctors report is factual, it’s based on medical facts, but my word, the Word of God is based on truth and the word says by His stripes (the stripes Jesus bore on his body for us) you are healed.” He told me, “If I believed the doctor’s report I would have to take chemotherapy, would lose my hair and could die”. Next he said, “If you believe my word, I will give you life and that more abundantly and I’ll bless you on top of that.” Then he asked me a question, “Whose report will you believe?”
At the end of the conversation I chose to believe the report of the Lord, which is found in the word of God. The truth is God is not a man, that He should lie, nor the son of man, that he should repent. Has He said, and will he not make it good? Num. 23:19
When I left the doctor’s office, The Holy Spirit began to give me instructions; His instructions were specific and to the point. The first thing he said was, “Do not tell people you have cancer. If you have to say anything at all, tell them the doctor said he saw cancer but you don’t receive it.” Then he said, “Do not share this with everybody, just those of faith that can agree in prayer with you.” Last he said, “Find healing scriptures in the bible and read them out loud every day and believe God for the manifestation.”
I went home amazed at what just happened. I had an encounter with the Spirit of God right there in the doctor’s office. I was sitting there facing the doctor, he was talking to me and The Holy Spirit was talking to me at the exact same time.
I remembered how God healed me at age 17 from cancer, and he later healed me from the lump on my breast. So I followed his instructions without reservation. I didn’t receive the doctor’s report.
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Prov. 23:7
If asked about it, my response was, “The doctor said... but I don’t receive it. I believe by Jesus stripes I am healed.” I went home opened my bible and wrote down every healing scripture I could find. Each day I read aloud the healing scriptures. So then faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the word of God. It’s even more powerful when you hear yourself saying it. It will strengthen you and cause your faith to grow.
The more I spoke the scriptures out of my mouth; the word of God began to get into my spirit. I went from just reading them to believing them and my body, cells, organs, emotions and my blood began to come into alignment with the word of God that was spoken over it every day.
My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22 NKJV
Proverbs also tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue, it’s imperative when you need a miracle, to watch what you say. Faith filled positive words bring about positive results; doubt filled words bring about death and destruction. You can change your situation around, simply by changing your conversation and speaking words of faith out of your mouth.
Start saying, “I shall live and not die in Jesus Name,” and Purpose in your heart that you are going to trust and have faith in God. Began to speak the word of God over your body daily and tell yourself I am healed in Jesus name. Now stretch your faith and expect to be healed.
God has given us the keys to the kingdom, power and authority as sons of God to bind up sickness and loose healing to flow in our bodies.
Matthews 18:18 says, “Whatever I bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Whatever we disallow on earth shall be disallowed in heaven and whatever we allow on earth shall be allowed in heaven.”
Whose Report Will You Believe is an excerpt from my book, By His Stripes We Are Healed - How to Receive and Keep Your healing from cancer, pain, sickness and disease.
You can read more by ordering your E-Book today:
- Included are the Healing Scriptures I stood on to receive my healing.
- Also testimonies and the details of what others as well as myself did to receive our healings.
- How to receive and keep your healing from cancer, pain, sickness and disease.
- Prayer for Healing.
& By His Stripes We Are Healed
How to Receive and Keep Your Healing From Cancer, Pain, Sickness and Disease
Click below to Get Your Copy today: E-book $5.99 & Healing CD
How to Receive and Keep Your Healing From Cancer, Pain, Sickness and Disease
Click below to Get Your Copy today: E-book $5.99 & Healing CD
By His Stripes We Are Healed "Healing CD" This CD was played on 1270 am Radio Station, Many have testified of being healed by listening to this CD. (Healing Scriptures & Prayer for Healing.) Order Your Audio Copy Today! $10.00 Digital Download