Dating shouldn’t be based on what happens between the sheets. As a professing Christian the bedroom with sexual activity in the Biblical prospective should be experienced on your wedding night and thereafter. My encouragement to you is a reminder that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Heavenly father, brought with a very high price (The shed blood of Jesus Christ) and you are well worth the wait and the investment of a wedding with Mister Right.
Under the unction of the Holy Spirit I recently wrote a book called, “How to Get the Jezebel Spirit Out of Your Church, Home and Bedroom. The subtitle is Regaining Stolen Territory.” In this book I talk about the cost of a few minutes between dirty sheets. (The Book can be purchased from sidebar on the right)
I can remember as far back as when I was a young adult the saying: “Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free!” That’s truly something to pause and think on. Some men still have this mindset embedded within them today. Unfortunately, I’ve seen precious women spend years in a sexual relationship that ended in heartache and they came out of it empty handed. Truth be told, the guy was either a womanizer, looking for self-gratification or sometimes it’s because what he really needed was a virtuous woman. True story: ...and when he found her (the virtuous woman) he married her.
I asked a relative to invite his girlfriend to the house for a visit. His responds was, “She’s not house worthy.” Sisters we were not created to be anyone’s one night stand or toy for the evening. God has better and he created you for greater. You are a precious jewel and a pearl of great value resides on the inside of you. Don’t waste your time sleeping and hanging with Mister Wrong, it could cause you to miss out on Mister Right.
I remember hearing from the lips of wise and concerned adults, “Everybody is not doing it.” So regardIess of what’s portrayed on the media there are millions of souled out individuals, who refuse to bow to the temptations of the enemy.
One day while driving to a friend’s house after work, I was in prayer. I asked the Holy Spirit about relationships and why some of my friends were falling into sexual sin. His responds was that they were trying to keep themselves instead of asking Him to keep them. The bible tells us that with man it’s impossible but with God all things are possible even in dealing with relationships. God is a keeper and He is the lover of our souls. He’s concerned about our wellbeing and He knows about the negative effects of an unhealthy relationship.
A few minutes between dirty sheets comes with a great cost: Sexual diseases, a broken heart, missed opportunities and a separation from God because of the sin.
If you’ve found yourself between dirty sheets, God has provided a way out through repentance. Pray and ask God to forgive you for this sin, to deliver you from it and to keep you from now on in Jesus Name. Remember God loves you and He is a forgiving God.
I recently offered these dating suggestions to a friend in need of safe dating tips:
I would love to here your suggestions on safe dating tips. Feel free to leave your comments...
Under the unction of the Holy Spirit I recently wrote a book called, “How to Get the Jezebel Spirit Out of Your Church, Home and Bedroom. The subtitle is Regaining Stolen Territory.” In this book I talk about the cost of a few minutes between dirty sheets. (The Book can be purchased from sidebar on the right)
I can remember as far back as when I was a young adult the saying: “Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free!” That’s truly something to pause and think on. Some men still have this mindset embedded within them today. Unfortunately, I’ve seen precious women spend years in a sexual relationship that ended in heartache and they came out of it empty handed. Truth be told, the guy was either a womanizer, looking for self-gratification or sometimes it’s because what he really needed was a virtuous woman. True story: ...and when he found her (the virtuous woman) he married her.
I asked a relative to invite his girlfriend to the house for a visit. His responds was, “She’s not house worthy.” Sisters we were not created to be anyone’s one night stand or toy for the evening. God has better and he created you for greater. You are a precious jewel and a pearl of great value resides on the inside of you. Don’t waste your time sleeping and hanging with Mister Wrong, it could cause you to miss out on Mister Right.
I remember hearing from the lips of wise and concerned adults, “Everybody is not doing it.” So regardIess of what’s portrayed on the media there are millions of souled out individuals, who refuse to bow to the temptations of the enemy.
One day while driving to a friend’s house after work, I was in prayer. I asked the Holy Spirit about relationships and why some of my friends were falling into sexual sin. His responds was that they were trying to keep themselves instead of asking Him to keep them. The bible tells us that with man it’s impossible but with God all things are possible even in dealing with relationships. God is a keeper and He is the lover of our souls. He’s concerned about our wellbeing and He knows about the negative effects of an unhealthy relationship.
A few minutes between dirty sheets comes with a great cost: Sexual diseases, a broken heart, missed opportunities and a separation from God because of the sin.
If you’ve found yourself between dirty sheets, God has provided a way out through repentance. Pray and ask God to forgive you for this sin, to deliver you from it and to keep you from now on in Jesus Name. Remember God loves you and He is a forgiving God.
I recently offered these dating suggestions to a friend in need of safe dating tips:
- Meet in public places
- Double Date with others
- Take your date to a church service
- Set boundaries in displaying affection
- Take a cold shower when necessary
- Develop a stronger desire to please God in your relationship and ask Him to keep you physically.
- Define your relationship
- Stay out of compromising positions and situations
- Refrain from sleeping in the same room until married.
I would love to here your suggestions on safe dating tips. Feel free to leave your comments...